WordPress is an amazing platform upon which to build a business or a community. Providing a central location for clients or customers to see what you are about and have to offer is amazing. However, maintaining a WordPress site, with themes and plugins can be a nightmare, but it does not have to be. This is why I offer a managed WordPress option.
Managed WordPress versus managed WordPress hosting
That is an excellent question. With so many hosting companies offering managed WordPress, what separates my service from theirs.
Managed WordPress Places Focus on Client
Until something updates and breaks your site, automation is not bad. However, it is then up to you to fix the issues. This can be through restoring back to a point before the update, if your site has a backup strategy in place. Or asking the host and waiting.
Managed WordPress works by manually applying updates. Prevention of site downtime is important. Updates should not come with surprises, but they often do. I check your site, post updates, to alleviate the stress of surprises. Daily checks and updates, all without any need to contact me. And as a WordPress developer, I can assist you with WordPress related matters.
Managed WordPress Customizes Updates
The managed WordPress options I have seen seem to be of a one size fits all variety. Automatic updates performed automatically, based on the type of update, is selectable. This is great. However, update strategies for your site should be tailor for your site. Each new full release of WordPress core (4.6, 4.7, and 4.8, for example) will come with it's own nuances. Some might even reek havoc on your site, depending on how things are setup. A seasoned WordPress developer on your team, testing each new release, is an asset for your site.
Managed WordPress is Host Independent
Managed WordPress offers benefits, regardless of who your site uses for hosting purposes. Whether you are using GoDaddy, BlueHost, HostGator, SiteGround, A2Hosting, or anyone else, my service will work for you. A simple and free plugin, MainWP Child, helps setup a gateway to manage your site. The MainWP parent plugin on my end can do the rest. Yes, I use a WordPress plugin to manage your site.
The Managed WordPress service through Michael Mann Web Design was setup to give you peace of mind. Completed on a daily-basis, for an insanely low entry cost. Each month of site management also includes 2 hours of support per month. And I will work with you on a remotely stored backup strategy.
So if you go over your allowed hours, an additional hourly rate applies. There is a price cap however, equal to the monthly cost of the Site Management+ package, in any given month. Designed for budget minded individual, this cap remove any insane surprises. So if you go over your allowed hours, an additional hourly rate applies.